Our impact

Our mission is to raise funds to support key initiatives in the region related to conservation and enhancing the lives of the communities within the area.

The greater Mara is one of Kenya’s key ecosystems and provides an essential barrier between agricultural areas and the Mara Reserve itself. The stewards in the greater Mara area rely primarily on tourism to manage and protect the ecosystem, which given the seasonal nature of tourism in the area presents certain challenges.

7,134,916 Khs

funds raised


allocated to the rangers of the conservancies


allocated to healthcare


allocated to the Mara Elephant Project


The proceeds from the UltraMARAthon have significantly contributed to the well-being of local communities and the conservation efforts in the Maasai Mara. Here is a summary of how the funds have been utilised by our three key beneficiaries.


  • Training and Development: 83 MEP rangers received specialised training in areas such as snake bites and handling, defensive driving, human rights, and Waterborne Assisted Recovery Training (WARTHOG).
  • Equipment and Uniforms: Modern equipment and uniforms were provided to 83 MEP rangers, ensuring they are well-prepared and professionally equipped.
  • Healthcare and Salary Support: Medical insurance and salary support were extended to 83 rangers, contributing to their well-being and financial stability.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Training: 177 women were trained in sustainable agricultural practices at the MEP Coexistence Farm Project, promoting sustainable livelihoods.


  • Healthcare Services: Significant improvements in maternal and child health services were achieved: Deliveries: 612 safe deliveries conducted.
  • Antenatal Care (ANC) Mothers: 817 mothers received antenatal care.
  • Child Welfare Clinic (CWC) Babies: 558 babies attended the child welfare clinic.
  • Emergency Transfers: Approximately 17 emergency ambulance transfers conducted.
  • Population Served: Healthcare services provided to an estimated population of 10,094, according to government data.


  • Ranger Support and Infrastructure: The UltraMARAthon funds have been instrumental in enhancing ranger operations and infrastructure.
  • New Patrol Bike: Purchase of a new Honda bike for the newly established ranger outpost station, ensuring effective routine patrols.
  • Infrastructure Development: Erecting a management barrier and guard house at the border of Lemek and Olchorro Oirowua Conservancy, along with setting up regulatory signages.
  • Uniforms: Provision of uniforms to Lemek staff, with the first set already supplied and the second set nearing completion.


Promoted tourism to the conservancies and increased exposure for our 20+ lodge partners on a national and international scale, raising awareness of the challenges of conserving and managing this iconic yet threatened ecosystem.

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